
Challenging Expert Opinions under Daubert for Railroad Transportation Employer

Cases involving allegations of serious injury or death always involve the potential risk of high damages awards and require comprehensive and detailed defenses. Such was the case in defending a rail transport company in an action brought by a former worker who claimed that exposure to diesel exhaust fumes while employed by the Defendant caused him to develop multiple myeloma. Prior to trial, our client moved to exclude the testimony of the Plaintiff’s expert witnesses, alleging that their methodology was not reliable. Consequently, an evidentiary “Daubert” hearing was held regarding the admissibility of Petitioner's experts’ testimony.

In my role, I was asked to pursue dual graphic strategies: first, to create clear, science-based explanatory illustrations regarding the Plaintiff’s disease; and then to format a system designed to display comprehensive data visualizations, excerpts and tables drawn both from the experts’ reports as well as from related studies published by similarly credentialed medical and science professionals.